Saturday, May 4, 2013

Summer update!

Now that I've been done with my winter classes for a few weeks, I am finally able to relax a bit at home... although I am not exactly stress-less because I urgently need a job and it's proving to be really hard to get one round here. 

Upon reflection, my semester was fairly decent. I worked out less than I did in first semester, but I found that I didn't really need to. I guess it's just a stage one reaches at some point in the weight loss journey. Of course I tried to make it to the gym three or so times a week, but if I was busy and couldn't even make it there once in a week, whatever... I knew I'd bounce back in a few days and get back on track. Plus my eating habits were healthier than first semester (and much healthier than freshman year of university). And because the ratio is something like 80 diet - 20 exercise, that's what really mattered. It was partly due to being vegan, but not entirely. I learned how to make vegan pancakes/muffins/cookies/cakes/brownies, I ate a five-hundred-twenty calorie dark chocolate bar in one sitting, I bought frozen fries three times, I demolished a box of Oreos in two-and-half days once, and I drank my fair share of liquid calories of sugary alcoholic drinks on nights out. I like to think those were mere blips in my journey though. We all eff up and as long as we get back on the right path, things sort themselves out. 

And they did. When I went home for my Spring break, I was 118 lb. A five-pound weight loss since Christmas. I will also state here that when I first decided to lose weight, 118 lb. was my goal weight (and I wasn't even sure I'd reach it... clearly I lacked faith in myself). I probably would have weighed even less but I kept finding new vegan baking recipes in February, so of course I had to try them... After my baking spree and after my holiday break though, school hit me hard. Near the end of March and beginning of April I had papers due every single day. I didn't have time to bake even if I had wanted to. What it did mean though was a new experimentation with green smoothies, oatmeal, and sweet potatoes. I swear I could live off those three things. Simply because of their versatility. And how you can even combine them! For example: sweet potato oatmeal (with walnuts, flax, raisins, cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger)... WOW! Or sticking some refrigerated baked sweet potato to my green smoothies added a delicious taste that can only be explained if you make one yourself. Clearly none of these three "staples" of my diet for about a month are that high-cal, nor fatty, nor loaded with any (added) sugar. Damn did it ever feel good to be eating real food after baking for a month straight!

Even though I was being healthy with my eating, I was a little concerned that I'd gained some pudginess since my Spring break. While I was baking, I was gymming more often to counteract the effects. When I got into smoothies, oatmeal, and sweet potatoes, a large reason was simply because I didn't have the time to be making anything more complex. I needed fuel for term papers and exams - my meals needed to be quick and easy, nutritious, and cheap. That being said, gym time happened minimally during this period. This just goes to show, it really is about 80-20 though. 

When I got home for summer break I was shocked to step on the scale and be 112 lb.! Honestly, I do not think I've weighed this little since I was 14, and even then, I was an inch or so shorter than I am now. I don't look like I did when I was 14 though, I look healthier. I've officially lost 30 lb. in exactly one year! Don't ask me how I did it... err well I guess you could read my blog... but I seriously had no idea I'd make it this far. And for the most part, it's fallen off naturally and steadily but effectively. Like a charm. Yes, I know what you're thinking now... "so you exceeded your weight loss goal and 112 lb. puts you close to being underweight... what are you going to do?" I'm glad you asked. Seriously though, I have set a new goal of 108 lb. It's only four-pounds and it's just enough to keep me motivated this summer. Yes, I could say "I want to maintain my weight." But maintenance sounds... well... quite frankly, awfully boring. It doesn't give me anything to shoot for, and I like a challenge. So don't worry, I'm not going all anorexic on you. My thighs still jiggle a bit when I walk, but hey, at least I'm wearing shorts confidently this summer. And I have a feeling 4 lb. to shed might be the solver of the problem. I'm excited to have a great summer where I'm finally not ashamed of my body. Goodbye to most of my jiggle!

Bust: 34
Waist: 24
Hips: 35

And a picture to conclude.